Friday, April 29, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #40: Fred Randall Goes to Space

Sony blows it big time, Telltale makes some news, Valve changes how it makes games, we gather around for some Portal 2, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

Sony screws it up
Telltale comes to 360
Sony announces tablets
Hulu Plus is free… for a bit
Portal 2 gets some DLC

Friday, April 22, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #39: Chuck Norris of Video Game Podcasting

We shoot off some more Wii 2 rumors, Sony drops a hardware platform, we reveal some Uncharted 3 announcements, we gather around for some Portal 2, Minecraft, Sword and Sworcery, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode
Nintendo Rumor Mill
Sony Abandons PSP Go
Uncharted 3 Details are Revealed
Video Games Aren’t Easily Sold to Minors
A New Super Mario Game

Friday, April 15, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #38: Game Over

Sony settles its settlement, we reveal another Dead Rising game, get you excited for Portal 2, gather around for some Game Over series discussion, talk about Minecraft, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

GeoHotz and Sony settle
Portal 2 gets friendly with Steam and PS3
Mass Effect 3 details are unveiled
Dead Rising series gets another game
Video games get in to the Grammy’s
Interview with Game Over series

Friday, April 8, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #37: Rocket Trains

We discuss Sony having more issues to deal with, Popcap gets in to the shootin’ dudes business, Minecraft sells a ton and gets an official release date, we gather around for some Homefront, Back to the Future and Turtle Beach discussion, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz

On This Weeks Episode
We sue EA
Sony gets hassled
Minecraft makes crazy money
Popcap shifts gears
Sony gets in to the tablet business

Friday, April 1, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #36: Is Your Refrigerator Running?

We discuss the latest Resident Evil, detail how to get a free copy of Halo: Reach, tell you how the PS3 is crushing gamers hearts, we gather around for some Swarm, Chime Super Deluxe, and Battlefield Play 4 Free discussion, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

We steal some cars
Discuss blowing things up
Tokyo Game Show may reduce its size
Playstation doesn’t want to reward their customers
Pokemon sells big