Friday, March 25, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #35: Kickin’ In the Front Seat

Duke Nukem gets a new release date, we detail the final DLC for Mass Effect, EA does away with game manuals, we gather around for some Swarm, Dead Rising 2, Bulletstorm, and Full House Poker discussion, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

We get mixed signals from the 3DS
Learn to never bet on Duke
Apple hates gay people
EA doesn’t want you to know how to play games
The 3DS gets its own downloadable service

Friday, March 18, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #34: Post Pax Paranoia

We chat about the Unreal Engine owning your life, reveal the success of PAX East, detail the sequel to Prey, gather around for some Torchlight, Full House Poker, and Bulletstorm chatter, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode
XBox brings you more TV
Pax East grows up
Gears of War 3 needs to do well
Prey gets a sequel
Hackers set their sites on Microsoft
We talk about Torchlight, Bulletstorm, Hard Corps Uprising, and Full House Poker

Monday, March 14, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Pax East Coverage – Day 3

We talk about our third and final day at Pax East, discuss some games we played and shenanigans we participated in, and give our final impressions on Pax East

On This Weeks Episode
Pax continues to astound us – and wear us out
Portal 2 gives us an exclusive – but not really
Snapshot – The Game
The Dishwasher Vampire Smile
Slam Bolt Scrappers

Sunday, March 13, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Pax East Coverage – Day 2

We talk about our second day at Pax East, discuss some games we played and shenanigans we participated in, and are joined by some very special guests. Join us Sunday for more LIVE broadcasts on

On This Weeks Episode :
Pax continues to astound us
We hail to the Chief
Gears 3 gets bashed and praised
Deus Ex blows some minds
The Darkness blinds us
Swarm is sweet – and we like it
We discuss panels, and interaction with our heroes
Special Guests -Rachel (from Pixelated Geek), Josh and Kyle (from Critical Strike)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Pax East Coverage – Day 1

On this week’s episode we talk about our first day at Pax East, discuss some games we played and shenanigans we participated in, and meet some new/old friends. Join us Saturday and Sunday for our LIVE broadcasts on

On This Weeks Episode
We get exhausted from our first full day at Pax East
Red Faction: Armageddon makes and appearance
Homefront disappoints us
The 3DS impresses us
F3Ar makes us weep
Twisted Pixel lets some guy cut in front of Ben
Warp shows us what it’s made of

Friday, March 11, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #33: Pax East – Day Zero

On this week’s episode: We talk about our first day in Boston for Pax East, reveal some of our fun hijinx, and almost run over the Giant Bomb Crew. Join us Friday through Sunday for our LIVE broadcasts on

On This Weeks Episode
We Reveal Our New Web Store!
A New Partnership With J!NX Is Announced
Pax East Makes Us Sleepy
What Are We Looking Forward To?
We Drink Beer
Other Stuff Happens Too

Friday, March 4, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #32: “Bringin’ It Back Ya’ll” Tour 2012

Magicka gets a super special expansion, we reveal the dark secret of Gamestop, we discuss the next project from Mojang, gather around for some Bulletstorm and Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 discussion, and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode
Magicka goes to Vietnam
Gamestop tries to steal your soul
LG blocks the PS3 in Europe
Minecraft devs start a new game
Heavy Rain wants you to grow up
OnLive gets some competition
We talk about Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Battle Heart, and Bulletstorm