Friday, September 23, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #57: The End

OnLive launches in another country, you can play as your favorite DC Universe character for free, Netflix does some stuff that’s nuts, Brandon and Jason talk about Gears of War 3 while Ben is clueless, we listen to some goodbye messages and say goodbye to all of our wonderful fans.

On This Weeks Episode

OnLive launches in the UK
DCUO goes free to play
Assassin’s Creed Revelations gets PS3 exclusives
Netflix creates Qwikster and Gamefly isn’t scared

Friday, September 16, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #56: Nascar in Space

Xbox Live comes to Windows 8, Dead Island ships a ton of copies, Deus Ex is plagued with ads, we gather around for some Dead Island, Warhammer 40,000, Space Marine, and Exitium.

On This Weeks Episode

Arkham City gets some DLC announced
LucasArts is hiring for a new aerial combat game
Online game marriages don’t last
Dead Island ships over 1 million copies in North America

Friday, September 9, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #55: The Angry Red Bear

Max Payne 3 comes back from the dead, Nintendo (sort of) reveals their grand plan to fix the 3DS, A whole bunch of people kill other people in Gears 3’s beta, we gather around for some Deus Ex, Singularity, TF2, and Zenonia 3

On This Weeks Episode

Max Payne 3 comes back from the dead
Nintendo (sort of) reveals their grand plan to fix the 3DS
A whole bunch of people kill other people in Gears 3′s beta
Fox News hates video games

Friday, September 2, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #54: The Misadventures of Brandon and His Blimp

Arkham City gets “New Game Plus,” Commander Shepard says goodbye, people apparently love Gears of War 3, GameStop apologizes, but not really, we gather around for some Deus Ex, Borderlands, Vanquish, and Doom and Destiny.

On This Weeks Episode

Batman gets more replayability
Mass Effect gets a new leader
Gears of War 3 breaks some records
Gamestop wants to get you back
Call of Duty busts out some numbers

Friday, August 26, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #53: Earthquake Brothers

Deus Ex gets yanked from Gamestop shelves, Diablo 3’s community site goes live, OnLive gets new features, We gather around for some Deus Ex, Red Faction: Armageddon, and Cute Things Dying Violently and more.

On This Weeks Episode

Gamestop pulls Deus Ex from the shelves
Onlive gets some new features
Diablo 3′s community site launches
Team Fortress has a birthday

Friday, August 19, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #52: Eagle Mustache

We have a pretty cool announcement to share with you, Notch challenges Bethesda to a duel, Playstation drops its price, we gather around for some Toy Soldiers: Cold War, InFamous 2, and tons of other stuff!

On This Weeks Episode

Notch challenges Bethesda to a duel
Playstation drops its price
Ben grows an eagle mustache
Is Diablo III coming to consoles?
Rage is free on iOS for a week

Friday, August 12, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #51: Space Marine Bolt Action Society

FortressCraft makes a million, Duke Nukem made some dough, Minecraft makes the news in a few big ways, and more!

On This Weeks Episode

Valve launches a Steam trading beta
Duke Nukem made a profit
Minecraft gets sued and starts a convention
Protestors sit outside Valve’s headquarters

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #50: Bringin' Sexy Back... Again

On this week's episode: We unveil our new format and really hope you like it, Diablo 3 spits out all sorts of news, Nintendo dude loose some cash, Xbox kills people, people get sued in Second Life over bunnies.

Friday, July 29, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #49: Power Outage

The 3DS takes a dive down on its cost, Red Dead Redemption gets free DLC, Sony gets sued by everyone and their mother, we explore the depths of Boulder Dash XL, Warhammer 40K, and the Humble Indie Bundle, and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

3DS gets cheaper
the Humble Indie Bundle returns
Red Faction bites the dust
Ubisoft Strangles PC Gamers with DRM
some Chinese folks sell their kids to get their WOW on

Friday, July 22, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #48: It’s About Time

On this week's episode: PSN gets its own online pass, Nintendo gets sued again, Battlefield 3 gets its own social network, and we gather around for some iOS games, Ms. Splosion Man, Trenched and a Back to the Future wrap-up discussion.

Friday, July 1, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #47: Steven Seagull

Team Fortress 2 makes headlines, Skyrim already has DLC plans, Supreme Court reigns supreme, and we gather around for some Trenched, Uncharted 3, Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D, and Half-Minute Hero Super Mega Neo Climax discussion.

On This Weeks Episode

Team Fortress 2 is now Free-To-Play
Skyrim DLC Details
Court Reigns Supreme
Most PSN Users Have Come Back, Consequences for Sony Leadership
Lulzsec stops the lulz
Zynga is worth a crap load of money
WOW Free-To-Play
Molyneux: Fable: The Journey demo was only 4 months old
Trenched, Uncharted 3 Beta, Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, Army of Darkness, Feed Me Oil

Friday, June 24, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #46: No Pants Friday

We get treated to a larger helping of Duke, Apple takes over gaming, Master Chief gets a makeover, we gather around for some Adventures of Shuggy, Duke Nukem Forever, Tiny Bang Story, and iOS discussion, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

Apple dominates
PS4 and new Xbox still aren’t ready for reveal
A man ships himself
L.A. Noire comes to PC’s
and GTA 5 starts to show its baby belly

Friday, June 17, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #45: $10, 2 Sandwiches, & A Whale

Notch reveals Minecraft stuff, hackers gonna hack, Steam goes free to play, and we gather around for some Dungeon Seige, Brink, Ms. Splosion Man, and NFS: Hot Pursuit chatter.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, E3 Coverage – Day 3

We discuss the latest news to come of out E3, give our final thoughts on the conference, and thank our fans for being awesome!

On This Weeks Episode

Minecraft on the 360
The Gunstringer is now retail only
Additional Wii U details (Storage, Specs, Features, Online)
Additional Playsation Vita
Nintendo stock drops
Unannounced Wii titles
Bioshock for Vita
Silent Hill Collection
Beyond Good and Evil sequel
Mirror’s Edge isn’t dead
Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, Battlefield 3

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, E3 Coverage – Day 2

We reveal the future of video games, detail the Microsoft, Sony, EA, and Ubisoft press conferences, and talk about some more awesome games!

On This Weeks Episode

Microsoft, Sony, EA, Ubisoft Press Conference
Mass Effect 3
Gears of War 3
Uncharted 3
Halo 4
Kinect Games
Battlefield 3
Star Wars The Old Republic
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Assassin’s Creed Revelations
Resistance 3
Bioshock Infinite
Playstation Vita

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, E3 Coverage – Day 1

We detail the Konami announcements, give our predictions on the upcoming press conferences, and talk a whole mess about awesome video games.

Monday, June 6, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, E3 Coverage – Day 0

We detail the Konami announcements, give our predictions on the upcoming press conferences, and talk a whole mess about awesome video games.

On This Weeks Episode

Konami Press Conference
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Zone of the Enders HD Collection
Silent Hill Collection
Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Ubisoft, EA Press Conference
Project Cafe

Friday, June 3, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #44: Raptor Curling

Activision angers gamers, Sony gets some new friends to play with, Kinect nabs some Mass Effect 3. We gather around for some Witcher 2 and more LA Noire discussion and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

Activision announces Call of Duty Elite
Kinect with Mass Effect 3?
More PSN Attacks
LA Noire DLC
Catwoman in Arkham City
Playstation Home Does E3
Minecraft Mobile
NGP Gets a Name?
Darksiders 2 is teased!
Games - Witcher 2, L.A. Noire, and VVVVVV
Special Guests: HBomb (Harold) and EMaster (Frank) from Cross Border Gaming

Friday, May 20, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #43:The Orphan Apocalypse

We reveal Modern Warfare 3, detail Sony’s Welcome Back program, show off a new Batman title, we gather around for some L.A. Noire and Back to the Future Episode 4, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

Loose lips reveal MW3
Playstation welcomes you back
Portal insults people without parents
L.A. Noire kills your console
Valve doesn’t go to E3

Friday, May 13, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #42: Turbo Granny

We detail some upcoming 360 rumors, prepare to announce Alan Wake 2, provide yet another PSN update, we gather around for some Falling Fred, Outland, Capsized, Gears 3, Universe Sandbox, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode
We discuss some Xbox rumors
Consider an Alake Wake sequel
Talk about PSN… again
Minecraft throws a party
Capcom gets mad.

Friday, May 6, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #41: The Adventures of Hubbles and Richard Simmons

We detail the new Assassin's Creed title, reveal more Wii 2 rumors, Sony makes another goof, and we gather around for some Red Faction Armageddon, Team Fortress 2, Unpleasant Horse, Beyond Good and Evil HD discussion.

Friday, April 29, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #40: Fred Randall Goes to Space

Sony blows it big time, Telltale makes some news, Valve changes how it makes games, we gather around for some Portal 2, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

Sony screws it up
Telltale comes to 360
Sony announces tablets
Hulu Plus is free… for a bit
Portal 2 gets some DLC

Friday, April 22, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #39: Chuck Norris of Video Game Podcasting

We shoot off some more Wii 2 rumors, Sony drops a hardware platform, we reveal some Uncharted 3 announcements, we gather around for some Portal 2, Minecraft, Sword and Sworcery, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode
Nintendo Rumor Mill
Sony Abandons PSP Go
Uncharted 3 Details are Revealed
Video Games Aren’t Easily Sold to Minors
A New Super Mario Game

Friday, April 15, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #38: Game Over

Sony settles its settlement, we reveal another Dead Rising game, get you excited for Portal 2, gather around for some Game Over series discussion, talk about Minecraft, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

GeoHotz and Sony settle
Portal 2 gets friendly with Steam and PS3
Mass Effect 3 details are unveiled
Dead Rising series gets another game
Video games get in to the Grammy’s
Interview with Game Over series

Friday, April 8, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #37: Rocket Trains

We discuss Sony having more issues to deal with, Popcap gets in to the shootin’ dudes business, Minecraft sells a ton and gets an official release date, we gather around for some Homefront, Back to the Future and Turtle Beach discussion, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz

On This Weeks Episode
We sue EA
Sony gets hassled
Minecraft makes crazy money
Popcap shifts gears
Sony gets in to the tablet business

Friday, April 1, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #36: Is Your Refrigerator Running?

We discuss the latest Resident Evil, detail how to get a free copy of Halo: Reach, tell you how the PS3 is crushing gamers hearts, we gather around for some Swarm, Chime Super Deluxe, and Battlefield Play 4 Free discussion, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

We steal some cars
Discuss blowing things up
Tokyo Game Show may reduce its size
Playstation doesn’t want to reward their customers
Pokemon sells big

Friday, March 25, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #35: Kickin’ In the Front Seat

Duke Nukem gets a new release date, we detail the final DLC for Mass Effect, EA does away with game manuals, we gather around for some Swarm, Dead Rising 2, Bulletstorm, and Full House Poker discussion, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

We get mixed signals from the 3DS
Learn to never bet on Duke
Apple hates gay people
EA doesn’t want you to know how to play games
The 3DS gets its own downloadable service

Friday, March 18, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #34: Post Pax Paranoia

We chat about the Unreal Engine owning your life, reveal the success of PAX East, detail the sequel to Prey, gather around for some Torchlight, Full House Poker, and Bulletstorm chatter, and of course we dive in to the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode
XBox brings you more TV
Pax East grows up
Gears of War 3 needs to do well
Prey gets a sequel
Hackers set their sites on Microsoft
We talk about Torchlight, Bulletstorm, Hard Corps Uprising, and Full House Poker

Monday, March 14, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Pax East Coverage – Day 3

We talk about our third and final day at Pax East, discuss some games we played and shenanigans we participated in, and give our final impressions on Pax East

On This Weeks Episode
Pax continues to astound us – and wear us out
Portal 2 gives us an exclusive – but not really
Snapshot – The Game
The Dishwasher Vampire Smile
Slam Bolt Scrappers

Sunday, March 13, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Pax East Coverage – Day 2

We talk about our second day at Pax East, discuss some games we played and shenanigans we participated in, and are joined by some very special guests. Join us Sunday for more LIVE broadcasts on

On This Weeks Episode :
Pax continues to astound us
We hail to the Chief
Gears 3 gets bashed and praised
Deus Ex blows some minds
The Darkness blinds us
Swarm is sweet – and we like it
We discuss panels, and interaction with our heroes
Special Guests -Rachel (from Pixelated Geek), Josh and Kyle (from Critical Strike)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Pax East Coverage – Day 1

On this week’s episode we talk about our first day at Pax East, discuss some games we played and shenanigans we participated in, and meet some new/old friends. Join us Saturday and Sunday for our LIVE broadcasts on

On This Weeks Episode
We get exhausted from our first full day at Pax East
Red Faction: Armageddon makes and appearance
Homefront disappoints us
The 3DS impresses us
F3Ar makes us weep
Twisted Pixel lets some guy cut in front of Ben
Warp shows us what it’s made of

Friday, March 11, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #33: Pax East – Day Zero

On this week’s episode: We talk about our first day in Boston for Pax East, reveal some of our fun hijinx, and almost run over the Giant Bomb Crew. Join us Friday through Sunday for our LIVE broadcasts on

On This Weeks Episode
We Reveal Our New Web Store!
A New Partnership With J!NX Is Announced
Pax East Makes Us Sleepy
What Are We Looking Forward To?
We Drink Beer
Other Stuff Happens Too

Friday, March 4, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #32: “Bringin’ It Back Ya’ll” Tour 2012

Magicka gets a super special expansion, we reveal the dark secret of Gamestop, we discuss the next project from Mojang, gather around for some Bulletstorm and Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 discussion, and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode
Magicka goes to Vietnam
Gamestop tries to steal your soul
LG blocks the PS3 in Europe
Minecraft devs start a new game
Heavy Rain wants you to grow up
OnLive gets some competition
We talk about Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Battle Heart, and Bulletstorm

Saturday, February 26, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #31: Better Late Than Never

Sony reveals what we already knew, Felicia Day is at it again, Tim Schaeffer brings you Sesame Street, the King of Kong opens an arcade, we gather around for some talk about the Dragon Age 2 demo, Fallout: New Vegas, Super Street Fighter 4, and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode
Playstation Phone makes an appearance
Minecraft Gets Cloned
The King of Kong opens an arcade
Felicia Day does some stuff
SpyParty goes to PaxEast
Brutal Legend turns to Elmo
Halo and Dead Space 2 get DLC while Gears 3 gets a release date
PSPlus Members get more perks

Friday, February 11, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #30: Apple Jack and Lil’ Bear

On this week’s episode we detail this years Halo joint, update you on the latest regarding video games and rape, relieve your fears about this years music games, gather around for some talk about Stacking, Killzone 3, and Infinity Blade, and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

You tell us you are pretty…
Cowboys and Cops come to town
Activision cans music and skating games
Halo remake is confirmed
LG tries to take your PS3 off the shelf
Bulletstorm makes you rape people
Battlefield 3 teases us
Hudson shuts down
The 3DS design is discussed
Zombies eat your neighbors

Friday, February 4, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #29: Time Warp Space Zone

On this week’s episode: We detail how to save your games to the future, Reveal the winner of Super Bowl 45, announce the fate of MTV games, we gather around for some Dead Space 2, Tales from Space: About a Blob and Monday Night Combat chatter, and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

Treyarch Hates Gamers
Cloud Saving
MTV Games Dies
Sony Suite
Batman Expands
Madden Predicts the Future
Farmville Gets Robbed
Dead Space 2
Monday Night Combat
Eat Them!
Tales from Space About a Blob

Friday, January 28, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #28: Space Helicopters

On this week’s episode: We give you the lowdown on the PSP2, give a report on Disney Interactive, we gather around for some Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm and A.R.E.S. chatter, and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode :

PSP2 Announcements
Live Area
Playstation Suite
Disney Interactive
Modern Warfare 2 inspires terrorists
Portal 2 shares
Mortal Kombat
Heavy Rain: The Movie
Dead Space 2

Friday, January 21, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #27: The Spawn of Rachel Ray

On this week’s episode Nintendo announces the price and release date of the 3DS, we update you on PS3 security issues, Valve gives you more game for your money, we gather around for some OnLive chatter and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode

3DS Announcements
More PS3 Troubles
360 Dashboard Update
Portal 2 on the PS3
Bubble Ball
Dig Dug into a GameStop
Bizarre goes ByeBye
Gears of War Exile
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Castlevania LOS

Friday, January 14, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #26: Tragedy Strikes

On this week’s episode: We’re all invited to Microsoft’s House Party, Verizon finally snags the iPhone, mobile PC gaming is the future of everything. We gather around for some Assassins Creed: Brotherhood chatter and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode :

CES Announcements
Microsoft is having a House Party
Verizon finally gets the iPhone
Razor Switchblade
Elder Scrolls details emerge
Sony fights back
Minecraft sells 1 million units
Capcom rips off Splosion Man
WOW Cataclysm has sold over 4.7 million copies
Congratulations… You saved Frictional Games
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
Call of Duty: Black Ops Multiplayer
Fallout: New Vegas

Friday, January 7, 2011

That Gamer Podcast: A Video Game Podcast, Episode #25: The Future of Podcasting

On this week’s episode: Sony can’t seem to seal the PS3, Ubisoft finally lets its guard down, EA shuts down more servers, We gather around for some Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, COD: Black Ops and Dead Space 2 discussion and of course we dive into the latest and greatest in the industry and take a very special trip to visit the internetz.

On This Weeks Episode :

Nintendo 3DS
The PS3 is Doomed
EA Shutting Down Some Servers
Ubisoft Lightens Up
Red Dead Redemption Sequel?
OnLive Gets Bigger Again
Nintendo Make Bank
Kinect Clone Coming
APB Rises from Dead
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Dead Space 2